Current Publications

Falling Upwards

A chance social media discovery leads Theresa on a path to new perspectives on her past life

Falling Upwards

This is my story. I am someone who has spent a long time in my life fighting to overcome one or more adversities. Falling and rebuilding each time to a better life.

In 2018 a chance discovery on Facebook of my sister’s passing led to a journey back to my roots and family, trawling through these sometimes-traumatic memories of home, along with the information I received along the way caused a re-examination of the motivations of the people during my formative years.

Trans Empowement

Trans Empowerment includes powerful pieces of poetry, art and prose from transgender voices.
Inspired by discrimination to the trans community and calls for the T to be removed from LGBT and raising awareness of the importance of supporting the trans community.
ALL profits will go to a charity called Mermaids which supports trans kids.


Theresa Davis

Born at the end of 1970, in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, UK I grew up in a sleepy Northamptonshire village, leaving school with very average O Level results, I started work at 16, attending college on a day release program eventually working through to the verge of obtaining a degree. Until life took a sideways tilt and I came out as trans in 1997, after a couple of years of pain and struggle I eventually joined the Telegraph in early 2001. I remained there until I asked for redundancy in 2007. I took the redundancy payment and used it to purchase a run down property in the Canary Islands, Spain where I now live, and run my own technology company, with my wife Helen 

Other Books

Trans Empowement

Trans Empowerment includes powerful pieces of poetry, art and prose from transgender voices.
Inspired by discrimination to the trans community and calls for the T to be removed from LGBT and raising awareness of the importance of supporting the trans community.
ALL profits will go to a charity called Mermaids which supports trans kids.

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Falling Upwards

Falling Upwards

It's been a while since I've posted an update, but to be honest, I haven't had a lot to say and with work and the ongoing health issues I have just been really too tired to put pen to metapphorical paper. However, I now have something that I need to share. Some of you...



I'm heartbroken, not in the sense that I have a relationship that has failed, but the fact that I have a heart that is broken. It started not long after I returned from the UK, I started to feel very tired and lacking in energy, I have a Fitbit that I have been...

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