Theresa Davis

Theresa Davis has only existed since 1998 before then she spent the first 27 years of her life growing up feeling like a square peg in a round hole, trying to fit a male body.
Denied the ability to study further and attend university, she left school at 16 and headed out to work. Through hard work and determination, she came so close to graduating with her BSc but it was not to be.
This, however, didn’t stop her after coming out as trans and facing trumped-up disciplinary action which lead to her public outing in the media.
It was ironic that 2 years on from these events she would become the team leader for the operations team at The Daily Telegraph responsible for keeping the website online 24/7.
Following redundancy from the paper in 2007 she moved to Spain where she now lives with her partner Helen and 2 cats.
When not running her cloud computing consultancy she likes to travel with her trademark purple fedora.

Helen Bennett

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